Inspire your R&D Teams to Deliver Unprecedented Results
Innovation is a critical factor in determining market success. However, successful transition of innovations into delivered products is challenging. Legacy approaches for managing development are no longer adequate.
Inspird provides comprehensive services to help you enhance product development from concept to delivery.
- Deploy Lean and Agile Development for hardware
- Enhance Portfolio Planning and Prioritization
We have developed a broad portfolio of best practices to help you accelerate innovation. Our change management approaches will minimize disruptions to ongoing projects. We support and integrate all industry standard tools for portfolio and project management. Or you can leverage Inspird’s comprehensive set of applications that complement our services.

Agile Iteration Deployment
Inspird will help you adapt iterative development for hardware's long build-test cycles. We can ensure iterations align with existing stage-gates and remain compliant with regulations. an overview of our methodology.
Lean Project Management
Inspird will help you bring Lean to your innovation. We can help deploy processes that adapt to the level of investments, or setup inutitive reviews with standardized deliverables. an overview of our methodology.
Accelerate Learning and Enhance Reuse
Inspird will help you automate DevOps for hardware and build a structured design library that enhnaces agility. an overview of our methodology.
Portfolio Architecture Development
Portfolio architecture akin to SKUs. Inspird will help you define a hierarchical architecture that organizes complex innovation portfolios and facilitates effective decision-making. an overview of our methodology.
Strategic Portfolio Prioritization
Inspird will help you design efficient tools to strategically optimize complex long-term portfolios. Our methods help balance resources across conflicting priorities and generate executive consensus. an overview of our methodology.
Structured Roadmaps Development
Inspird will help you deploy sustainable roadmapping that provides a focus for the innovation. Roadmaps will enhance collaboration, coordination and decision-making. an overview of our methodology.Inspird Tools Streamline Deployment of Cutting-edge Processes
See how Inspird can help you automate DevOps and accelerate learning
Aerospace and Defence
Life Sciences
High Tech
Industrial and Manufacturing
Government Agencies and FFRDC
An Inspird Engagement Will Bring Benefits to Every Stakeholder in the Dev Value-chain
Executives and Portfolio Managers
- Utilize dashboards to gain broad & deep visibility into project portfolios
- Make transparent, informed and optimal portfolio decisions
- Align multi-year project portfolio with business strategy
- Mange cross-product synergies and interdependencies
- Enhance R&D effectiveness by removing unviable projects
Project and Program Managers
- Use dashboards quickly monitor status of projects
- Demonstrate R&D value being generated
- Manage integration of sub-projects and technologies
- Identify project risks and develop effective plans to manage them
- Receive automatic notifications of relevant changes
- Use virtual reviews to guide complex multi-location projects
Development Teams
- Collaboratively develop and maintain project plans
- Access and understand customer needs and market requirements
- Dynamically build & securely access R&D knowledge repository
- Submit project funding proposals and innovation ideas
- Receive automatic notifications of relevant changes
- Reduce administrative overhead by automatically generating project reports
Business Development, Marketing and Sales
- Develop Market Roadmaps
- Connect market plans to development roadmaps
- Control product configuration
- Quickly monitor development pipeline
- Communicate evolving customer needs
- Identify innovation in the development pipeline
- Generate PowerPoint product roadmaps based on live project plans
Technologists and Experts
- Develop and maintain technology portfolio configuration
- Monitor and guide R&D pipeline in areas of expertise
- Receive notifications of changes impacting areas of expertise
- Generate technology roadmap and export to PowerPoint
- Identify and nurture disruptive innovation
- Help enhance cross-product synergistic use of innovative technologies
Quality and Manufacturing
- Single database connects Quality to other disciplines
- Utilize automatic notification for change coordination
- Tie risk assessment to requirement and track dependencies
- Use integrated FMEA tools to simplify risk management
- Tie test plans to requirements and risks
- Integrate project reviews with quality
- Track changes and maintain a design history
- Generate a checklist to confirm design transfer to manufacturing
Information Technology (IT)
- Minimize costs for maintaining multiple servers and databases
- Save costs of maintaining home grown software
- Minimize costs of deploying many client software
- Simplified integration across R&D and enterprise tools (big data for R&D)
- Flexibly deploy inside the firewall or on the cloud
- Provide simple dashboards for all management needs
Finance and Accounting
- Rapid assessment of costs: estimates and actuals
- Automated R&D tax credit computation
- Easy integration with accounting and ERP systems